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All-Star Tournament Information

The All-Star tournament is a double elimination tournament occurring after the end of the regular season for the Minor player-pitch divisions and above.  Below is general information about the All-Star tournament season. 

Availability – Tournament Play is a choice, and while it is a privilege to play, it is also a commitment with added practices and games. 

  • It is common for practice to occur 4-7 days/week during the All-Star tournament season, depending on the division. 
  • If you realize that your player has several potential conflicts or hard dates that they will not be available , declare your player as "unavailable".  A full commitment is necessary. 
  • Participation commitment includes both the District and State tournament dates. Declare your player as "unavailable" if they cannot be available for both. 

Eligibility: a player is eligible for an All-Star roster provided the following are all met:

  • The player has fully participated in  at least eight (8) regular season games; this rule does not apply to the Senior baseball division. 
  • Paperwork is on file to verify the Residency/School Requirement has been met; each player must live or attend school within the Columbia Little League boundary. 
  • A current Medical Release form is on file.
  • An original birth certificate is provided.  A copy will not be accepted.  The original birth certificate will be returned.

Team Selection: Players select the majority of the team roster through a vote.  League officers and team managers are also involved in the roster selection and may consult also with coaches or umpires.  Only players and team managers may be present during the vote. 

Minimum Play Requirements:

  • There is a continuous batting order that includes all players.
  • There are no longer minimum defensive play requirements.
  • The Senior division tournaments do not have any minimum play requirements. 

Tournament Rules: Tournament rules often mirror those in the regular season, there are some key differences.

  • Minimum play: For most divisions, tournament teams include a maximum of fourteen (14) players, one manager, and two coaches.  Score keeping must be done by one of the managers or coaches.
  • Spectators are not allowed to communicate with players or coaches during a game.  Managers and coaches can be ejected from the tournament for violations of this rule.   


  • Tentative tournament schedules are released in May but they are frequently adjusted, sometimes up until the actual start of the tournament. There are a lot of moving parts and logistics involved. 
  • Individual game dates and times are determined by if the team won or lost the previous game. 
  • Players often must arrive a full hour prior to game time and games often start at 5:00 on weekdays.
  • It is common for practice to occur 4-7 days/week during the All-Star tournament season.
Location: the District All-Star tournament is a local tournament hosted by a local league.  Most tournaments above the district level are often held elsewhere in the state.  Should a Columbia All-Star team advance beyond the District tournament, travel expenses are not covered by the league.    

Parent/Guardian Involvement: Many local leagues, including Columbia Little League, host the range of All-Star Tournaments including local district and state tournaments.  We rely on the volunteerism of parents & guardians to make the tournaments we host successful.  In addition to assisting with concession staffing, volunteers are also needed to assist with game time announcing and field preparation between games.  Please plan to fill a volunteer role during the tournaments hosted by Columbia Little League.  Feel free to get your friends and family involved as well! We have a beautiful park and offer the tournament teams and spectators a great All-Star experience.   

Cost: There are no additional registration costs associated with All-Stars.  Players will be provided an All-Star jersey for the tournament which you can then purchase to keep or return to the league.  Travel expenses are not covered by the league.

For even more information about the Little League All-Star Tournament, click this link: Tournament Resources - Little League

Little League also provides guidance on selection of All-Star (Tournament) managers and coaches - What to Consider When Selecting Tournament Team Managers and Coaches

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